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When it comes to music there are two eras: Before the Internet and after the Internet. The Internet has changed music forever. In just a few years, the old industry model has changed rapidly.
While the biggest labels had to rethink their structures and question the basics of their business, the DIY generation saw this new world as an opportunity. A chance to create, find new tools, share knowledge and destroy all the borders, permanently.
There were no radio-formulas anymore, there were no limits for defining styles and the best of all; everyone now has access to everything.
Some artists have realized they were the ones controlling their destiny, and that the possibilities were endless.
You would see artists managing different projects simultaneously: This allowed lots of them (us) to take risks and as a result, some of them went viral. YouTube and streaming portals became the new way to listen to music and the musicians could upload their new songs to their own channels: Bands are closer than ever to their fans.
We know more about our icons than ever before. Besides this, the technology has also played an important role here: People who do not have access to professional recording studios can now learn by themselves how to create music with their computers, which are getting cheaper and cheaper. Some companies are specialized in creating audio samples: for example from real studio drums, guitars or synths.
They sell these samples and you can use them to make your tracks sound better. You don’t need thousands of dollars to record your demo, just a laptop and a middle-class microphone you can get second-hand on eBay.
People have gotten very organized and have started to share all this information in music forums, for free.
The underground scene has been growing ever since the Internet got popular. It has never been so strong and this pushes the music-makers to be more creative and diverse.
The DIY generation musicians write their own rules and guidelines. They define the sound of today and will leave their imprint on the next generation.
We belong to this generation; we grew up with this movement, which set the basics of our personal culture.
Creating Rombo was a great idea in many ways and wasn't a happenstance, but an inevitable consequence of our motivation for creating new things: We have learned by ourselves, or rather; we had to learn by ourselves, and that is such a joy!
We all had our bands or projects and spent hundreds of hours composing new tracks, creating the designs for our own covers, drawing the poster designs for each show and then evaluating every new idea.
It feels really good when someone discovers your project and says, "thank you for creating this!" It feels really good to discover awesome projects on Bandcamp or Kickstarter.
These people believe in DIY, and so do we. These people have fun, and so do we.
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Judith Heindorf & Carlos Diez Macia GbR
Auf der Steige 29
71686 Remseck am Neckar
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